oferta loc de munca aupair in Anglia la
familia Susan Spencer
Locuiesc in Sevenoaks, Kent, Anglia
Familia are: 4 copii
Familie mono-parentala: nu
Religie: Alta
Locuiesc in : zona rurala
Profilul AuPair ideal:
Nationalitate preferata: Romana
Varsta maxima: 27 ani
Religie preferata: nu conteaza
Incepere cel mai devreme: 4/2008 si cel mai tarziu: 5/2008
Perioada de sedere: 6 - 12 luni
Carnet de conducere: nu e nevoie
Babysitting: da
Treburi casnice: da, trebuie sa faci
Platesc: £70 - £80/saptamana
Sarcinile tale ca aupair:
Monday to Friday: 6.30 – Wake the boys up for school. Help with the girls (bottles/nappies/breakfast) 7.30 – Take charge of the girls while I am dropping the boys off at school which takes about 45 minutes 8.30 – General tidying of kitchen and bedrooms (vacuum/dust/wash pots etc.) 10.00 – Help with the girls. 12.00 – Your time 15.00 – Look after the girls while I collect the boys from school and when we return either help the boys with their homework, cook their dinner or help with the girls again. 18.30 – Your time Sometimes Susan will be out between 7:30 12:00, so the au pair will be expected to be able to look after the girls for that period of time unaided. Saturday – Your time Sunday – Your time This is a rough outline but hope it will give a good idea.
Scrisoare catre aupair:
None of the children have any health problems or special needs.
The boys are very active and they love playing outdoors. They like to swim, ride bicycles and go to the cinema. They all enjoy the close family environment.
We have a five bedroom detached house in a very pretty and quiet area. On the ground floor we have a Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen (with oven, microwave, dishwasher etc), Cloakroom, Study (with internet) and a utility (with sink, dishwasher and washing machine). On the first floor there are five bedrooms, the master bedroom has an en suite, bedroom two (the girls are in), bedroom three (Nicholas’s room), bedroom four (Oliver’s room) and the fifth room will be the Au pairs room. There is also a shower room and a bathroom (which the boys use).
Peggy our ironing lady comes in once a week for 4hrs to clean all the bathrooms and she does most of the ironing.
The room has a double bed with two side tables and lamps. There is a desk with a television and a large chest of drawers. The two windows overlook the entrance to the property.
As Mike works long hours in the city during the week, we like to spend as much time as a family at the weekends, going out together or catching up on outstanding jobs around the house or in the garden. Sometimes we visit family or friends, and sometimes they visit us. We have a good sized garden in which the boys enjoy playing. They also enjoy playing lego, using the computer, watching TV etc.
We are an active family and we like walking and bike rides.
There is a direct train into central London from Sevenoaks (the local station) which takes 30 minutes.
You have use of a car and we will contribute to petrol cost
We are connected to the internet with Skype/MSN etc and a web cam
The local leisure centre is in Sevenoaks (5/10 minutes drive)
Cinema / Large retail centre (Bluewater) which is 20 minutes drive.
We have quite a few National Trust properties close to us of which we are family members.
Many au pairs in Sevenoaks area
The bus is a 3 minute walk and goes 4 or 5 times a day to Sevenoaks.
We would contribute to travel costs for a non driving au pair
loc de munca in Sevenoaks, Kent